
My Story.

I was born at the dawn of the rebellious ’60s, raised and educated in France.

Specifically, I grew up in Strasbourg, the seat of the European Council and International Court of Human Rights amongst other things. My family was quite international also, with roots all over Europe. This immersive environment moulded my mind into openness, flexibility and curiosity about everything that has to do with people, culture, justice, freedom, philosophy and how, despite so many differences, we are, in fact, profoundly similar in our humanness.

Not surprisingly, these are the areas of study I took on when I started university as a young adult. At 25, I migrated to Australia. I had two young boys and was drawn to new ways of thinking and a vastly different lifestyle.

That choice and the conditions surrounding our arrival in Australia profoundly influenced the circumstances of my life as a young woman. Everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. Settling down became a challenge of epic proportions. My self-esteem and confidence took a massive hit. I reached a choice point: returning home to France and my family or dealing with whatever life was throwing at me. I chose to adopt the mindset that ‘right now, right here, everything is as perfect as it will ever be’ and started from scratch. This was the beginning of a lifelong personal development journey.

Once I gained clarity, life responded: shortly after my epiphany, I entered the corporate world, with each role adapting, learning and developing myself using whichever strategy I could find that worked.

From administrative jobs, I worked my way through to positions more suited to my personality and talents. Over 20 years, I assumed responsibilities as a Credit Analyst, then Research & Development officer in the banking sector, Executive Recruiting & Headhunting across the Sydney corporate and banking arena, Marketing, Events Management and Leadership Training. Two decades in the corporate environment while raising a growing family of four children finally got me: relationship breakdown, divorce, illness and clinical depression.

For the second time, I found myself at a crossroads. An inner voice was telling me I was betraying the generations before me, my grand, great and great-great grandparents. They were fighters, resistants and survivors (otherwise, I would not be here today writing these words). They were also artists and dreamers. They believed in life and a better future and found goodness around them despite the darkness they went through.

Somehow I could feel them tapping my shoulder reminding me I had to do something if I did not want to end up on anti-depressants and other drugs for the rest of my life.

I went out on a limb and started a home-based business in the Personal Development industry. I chose the road less travelled, focusing on lesser-known strategies and insights raised from discoveries in neuroscience, quantum physics, and biology that asked that we revisit old self-help or personal growth concepts with new eyes. Today, these ideas are ‘mainstream’ in the human potential sector.

To conclude,

Over three decades, I’ve gone through substantial learning and experience. I first learned to ride the corporate, then the entrepreneurial roller coasters: trials and errors, ups and downs. It is often said that what does not kill you makes you stronger. Along the way, I learned that with the proper support and inner strategies to tap into a more resourceful mindset, we all could be free of ailments, transform our energy levels, get our energy back or at the very least adapt our responses to what life throws at us. These strategies are the ones I am practising, coaching and teaching today.

As a freelance consultant with many hats, I offer services ranging from transformational and evolutionary coaching to stress and fatigue management and workplace wellness.

As a coach, speaker and workshop facilitator, I design and facilitate “out of the box” trainings for clients aligned to a more sustainable worldview and philosophy.

As a hypnotist and NLPer, I help people connect with and tap into their inner resources to live happier, more fulfilling, and more peaceful lives.

As a wellness practitioner, I help men and women (and sometimes children) overcome fatigue and optimize their energy levels.

My clients and I often share an inner knowing that if one person or one business can make a difference, then together, we can influence how the future unfolds. Considering the overwhelming chaos we are witnessing today, wanting to “change the world” may well be the most pragmatic and down-to-earth desire one may want to commit to!

I have coached, mentored or worked with individuals from all walks of life, from CEO and home-based entrepreneurs to those much less privileged. To say that I enjoy the process of coaching would be an understatement.

I love witnessing the ah-ha moments as a person connects with the resources of her mind and gets unstuck in ways they could not have imagined before.

If you are finding yourself at a crossroads in your life and feel it is time to change the way things are in your life, health, business or relationships, consider that you do not have to do it all on your own. None of us is an island living in isolation.

I would feel both humbled and honoured being able to be your guide in this journey.

Please contact me if you would like to explore how we can navigate your journey together, help you birth a new version of yourself, and empower you.

Get in touch